Westside Police Station

Westside Police Station

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sergeant Richards, With the Westside Tactical Unit, Awarded the Patrol Supervisor Of The Year

181061609: 12/14/2009: Aggravated Robbery

This incident is only a recent example of the excellent police work Sergeant Kerry Richards performs on a daily basis. This case, and all of the other cases the sergeant is involved in, demonstrate his investigative skills, dogged determination to arrest the perpetrators, unfaltering dedication to community, and impressive ability to motivate his subordinates to perform above and beyond the normal work ethic. In this incident, three suspects robbed two complainants at gun point for their wallet and purse. Sergeant Richards observed that this was a serial case involving numerous drive way robberies on the west side of Houston. The Robbery Investigator working the case, Officer Nelson, advised Sergeant Richards that a credit card stolen in the incident was used to purchase pizza. Armed with this information, Sergeant Richards and his unit pieced together the information to develop the suspects' location. Sergeant Richards and his team conducted surveillance on the location and arrested the suspects on municipal charges. The Sergeant had the suspect's residence secured and assisted the investigator with obtaining a search warrant. Sergeant Richards and his Tactical Unit executed the search warrant and recovered the weapon and evidence linking the suspects to numerous robberies

The case listed on the cover page is only a recent example of Sergeant Richard's unbelievable ability. As his immediate supervisor, I can attest to his dedication to the residents of Houston, his natural investigative skills and his tireless work ethic. Sergeant Richards consistently places the welfare of the community first and foremost. He is the type of public servant who places the well being of the people he is sworn to protect above any personal problems or commitments. He makes himself available to anyone who needs assistance and he works hard to make certain their complaint is remedied.

Hs personal charisma and unwavering dedication to duty compel his officers to not only perform above and beyond “average” work ethics, but feverishly strive to live up to his example. He has an extremely pleasant demeanor which endears him to the seasoned Homicide Investigator, the hardened career criminal, or the hysterical, frightened complainant. He relentlessly and tirelessly pursues criminals until they are brought to justice. All of these fine traits are evident in a four day period from January 4, 2009 through January 8, 2009. During this period Sergeant Richards led his Tactical Unit through the following investigations which resulted in the arrest of four Murder suspects and three Aggravated Robbery suspects:

On January 4, 2009, the Westside Tactical Unit pursued leads on three suspects responsible for robbing a McDonalds. Sergeant Richards and his officers arrested one suspect who gave a confession to the robbery investigator working the case. The suspect implicated two other suspects. The Tactical Unit then located the other two suspects, arrested them, and recovered the gun used in the robbery. All three suspects were charged with Aggravated Robbery under case 2070709-U.

On January 6, 2009, Sergeant Richards and his officers learned of a murder that had just occurred at 9500 Richmond, where a suspect slashed the victim’s throat with a box cutter. Officers determined that the suspect might live at 10100 Forum Park. Sergeant Richards and his officers periodically checked the location throughout the evening. At approximately eight o'clock, one of the officers spotted the suspect on Forum Park. Once the suspect noticed the marked units he fled on foot into 10101 Forum Park. Officers quickly set up a perimeter and began searching the complex. Sergeant Richards and his officers found the suspect hiding near an apartment, and he was taken into custody. The suspect was charged with Murder under case 2852009.

On January 8, 2009, Sergeant Richards and his unit received a call from Homicide Division to check 1400 Lakeside Estates for a murder suspect. Tactical officers set up surveillance in the area. Several minutes later, a suspect matching the description was spotted at Briar Forest and Wilcrest. Officers arrested the suspect who was later charged with Murder under case 2816009.

Later that same day, Sergeant Richards received information from an anonymous source giving the whereabouts of a suspect responsible for a murder that occurred at 10000 Club Creek. The suspect in this case shot two people, one later died. Tactical Officers proceeded to 9200 Mirawood and began surveillance. Officers eventually determined that a knock and talk would be the best course of action. As officers knocked on the door they could hear a lot of commotion and movement coming from inside the residence. An occupant answered the door and stated that the suspect was not at the location. Officers interviewed the occupants and obtained a written consent to search. The suspect was located in the attic along with the gun used in the murder. The suspect was arrested and charged with being a Felon in Possession of a Firearm. The Homicide Division continued their investigation and was able to charge the suspect with Murder under case 2176809.

Later that evening, the Tactical Unit received information about the location of a suspect who had a Murder (Parole Violation) warrant. Sergeant Richards and his officers conducted surveillance at 13100 Benford. They observed the suspect walk out of the residence and stand in the front yard. They moved in and arrested the suspect under case 3900109.

This remarkable four day snap shot shows how incredibly resilient Sergeant Richards is and his tenacious drive to continue bringing violent perpetrators to justice. Some supervisors would rest on their accomplishment after the first day. However, Sergeant Richards has the uncanny ability to motivate his officers to keep producing day after day. It is this tenacity that produces the results Sergeant Richards can achieve. In 2009, under his leadership, Sergeant Richard's Tactical Unit arrested 637 suspects. There were 560 felony charges as a result of these arrests. One of the most incredible statistic was the arrest of 59 robbery suspects. A lot of these robbery suspects were serial case suspects responsible for an incredible number of robberies in the Houston area.

Many supervisors can supervise. A rare few can instill the dedication and devotion to their subordinates like Sergeant Richards can, and fewer still can lead by the example he sets forth. Sergeant Richard’s officers love him dearly. They would go to the end of the earth for him, not only because of his unequivocal leadership ability and dedication to work, but because they know he would do the same for them and any resident in the City of Houston.